Introducing the newest member in our finishing and coating department: The Cobot

/Introducing the newest member in our finishing and coating department: The Cobot
  • Un nuovo collega nel reparto verniciatura:
entra in scena il Cobot - 4

Introducing the newest member in our finishing and coating department: The Cobot

Imagine walking into our finishing and coating department today and witnessing something extraordinary: next to the human operator, a robotic arm moves with precision and dexterity, applying paint to the parts being worked on.

This is not science fiction but a reality in our facility—meet the latest addition to our team: the Cobot, or Collaborative Robot.

The Cobot: Innovation through Collaboration

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Cobots are robots designed to work closely with humans, offering the perfect blend of safety, efficiency, and ease of use.

We chose to introduce this technology in our finishing and coating department for several reasons:

  • to advance the technological capabilities of the department,
  • to lighten the workload on operators who typically handle around 600-700 grams of weight between the spray gun and paint cup,
  • and to ensure greater consistency and uniformity in the painting process.

    The personalization of the Cobot: A Custom-Fit Solution for Our Needs

    Like a tailor crafts a custom-made suit, we’ve customized the Cobot’s existing system to fit our specific production requirements and the type of parts we manufacture.

    Programming it is like teaching a new colleague the trade secrets: the operator manually performs the initial movements, guiding the Cobot’s arm, which then learns and memorizes the operations. Once programmed, the Cobot replicates the process accurately, batch after batch, with the same care and precision.

    Cobot benefits: Close to perfection

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    With the introduction of the Cobot, the quality of our finishing and coating process will reach new heights. Coating thickness will be uniform and consistent, not only between individual pieces but also across entire batches. Each piece will receive the same hight-standard treatment, even when dealing with complex geometries or large volumes.

    It’s like having a tireless assistant that guarantees maximum precision and continuity. This not only boosts the department’s production capacity but also minimizes waste.

    The evolution of the coating process: a perfect balance between technique and innovation

    The arrival of the Cobot does not signal the end of manual coating but the beginning of a new era of coordination. Working with the Cobot is like performing a two-person waltz, where the human operator and robotic arm move in sync.

    The operator will handle loading and unloading, much like with a CNC machine, and will focus on quality checks before and after the coating process.  

    With the Cobot managing the paint application, the operator can dedicate more time and attention to quality checks, which ensure the final product’s excellence.

    Looking to the Future: Step by Step

    Il nuovo

    At MCS, innovation is a path we walk every day, step by step, constantly seeking new solutions to improve our production processes and deliver high-quality products to our customers.

    The introduction of the Cobot in the finishing and coating department is another milestone in our path towards technological evolution and manufacturing excellence.

    For us, cobots are not just technological tools; but strategic partners on our journey towards a more innovative and efficient future.

    Text by MCS Marketing Department
    2024-09-24T08:20:27+02:00September 23, 2024|